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Bright Data Drops Residential Proxy Prices by 30%

The reduction affects all plans, including pay as you go.

Adam Dubois

Bright Data, the Israeli provider of data extraction tools and services, has significantly reduced the prices of its residential proxy network.  

The rates have become 30% cheaper throughout all plans, including the pay-as-you-go option:

Pay as you go

The change makes Bright Data significantly more competitive with other premium providers. It’s especially affected the lower end of the range, where the company now outprices rivals like Oxylabs and NetNut.

However, if enabled, Bright Data’s premium functionality (such as city or ISP targeting) still makes it the most expensive option in the market

bright data residential price change

It seems like the price wars haven’t ended. So far, we’ve seen price cuts by SmartproxyWebshare, and a limited time offer by SOAX, not to mention a slew of mobile proxy price decreases. We’ll be curious to watch if Bright Data’s competitors see the need to answer the call this time or if they’ll choose to save their profit margins.

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