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Zyte Announces 2023’s Web Data Extraction Summit

The annual conference will take place in Dublin on October 25-26.
Adam Dubois
zyte extract summit 2023
Zyte, the provider of web data extraction infrastructure and services, has announced 2023’s Web Data Extraction Summit, its annual conference on web scraping. Also called Extract Summit, this year’s conference will take place in Dublin on October 25 and 26. Its first day will be dedicated to developers with four workshops, a coding contest, and networking with peers. The second day will include 12 talks on web data, AI, the future of web scraping, as well as a keynote by Zyte’s founder Shane Evans. Overall, Extract Summit will explore three main topics:
  1. AI in web scraping and how it’s impacting the industry,
  2. Web scraping APIs, or the evolution and future of web scraping technology,
  3. Scaling your data extraction with the latest advancements in technology, expertise, compliance, and industry benchmarks.
Registration is already open. Early bird seats to the live event cost €159.00, with an extra €80.00 if you wish to attend the developer workshop. Alternatively, it’s possible to watch the event online free of charge. Last year’s Extract Summit attracted over 230 attendees. We covered the talks on our blog. Zyte has also made their videos available on the event’s website. Web Data Extraction Summit is one of the two major conferences on web scraping. The second event, OxyCon, will take place online on September 13.

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