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Evomi Preview

A solid first impression.

Evomi’s self-sourced proxy pool and polished brand image make it worth considering if you’re looking for rotating proxies.

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Nowadays, there’s no shortage of proxy providers. But we’ll always find a place for companies with their own proxy network. And that’s exactly what Evomi claims to offer.

Couple this with some competent brand building (Swiss company, ethics, clear communication), and maybe we’re looking at a winner for individual and small business use? Or perhaps it’s all smoke and mirrors, especially considering how young the provider still is?

Let’s find out! For now, we’ll be focusing on Evomi’s features and experience, with detailed performance tests coming in the next few months.

General Information

Country Switzerland
Founded 2024
Proxy networks Datacenter (rotating)
Other services
Supporting tools
Price range Lower mid-range
Starting price $0.70
Payment methods Credit card, PayPal
Trial Trial & money-back guarantee

Evomi is one of the newer companies in the market. It sells access to multiple proxy networks, with plans to launch web scraper APIs in the future. The provider is located in Switzerland, and its website makes sure that you’re well aware of this fact.

Despite being around for less than a year (at the time we were writing this review), Evomi has already done a lot of groundwork to present itself as a serious business. The website radiates solidity, there’s company information – even a phone number! – SLAs, and a page for ethical proxy sourcing practices. You can find most employees on LinkedIn. 

Evomi has also had the time to do some brand building: startups can apply to get free traffic using the provider’s Startup Program.

The company tries to be transparent about how it acquires proxies. A good part (even datacenter IPs) is sourced via Earn.fm, a bandwidth sharing application. The rest are likely resold. Having an in-house proxy network is a strong value proposition if the provider manages to flesh it out well.

While Evomi itself is new, the people behind it have been around for a while. They claim to have been selling proxies for more than six years. Specifically, we found links to InfiniteProxies, which was established in 2019. After bringing this up, we were told that the projects may have been but were no longer related.

All in all, Evomi creates the impression of a solid company, even if some efforts (like the AI-generated image of an idyllic looking Swiss landscape) go a tad too far.

News about Evomi

Inspired by a certain dev platform, the feature can structure any website using natural language instructions.
The same amount of money will now get you twice the traffic.

Evomi Proxy Networks

Evomi sells access to three proxy networks: datacenter, residential, and mobile. Each gives you access to a large pool of IPs with rotation and traffic-based pricing.

  • Datacenter proxies are Evomi’s entry-level product for targets that are less likely to block based on IP reputation.
  • Residential proxies are best suited for protected websites behind Cloudflare, DataDome, and other anti-bot systems.
  • Mobile proxies can be used with mobile-first websites, apps, or targets with the strictest protection. 
evomi proxy types
Evomi's proxy networks.

Pool Size & Coverage

Over 100 countries for all proxy types.

Advertised pool sizeNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specified
TargetingRandom, continent, countryRandom, continent, country, state, city, ASNRandom, country, state, ASN

Evomi doesn’t really mention how many proxies it controls. You could try to gauge the numbers by visiting the website’s location pages: for example, the one for US proxies advertises nearly 10 million IPs. But this isn’t really convenient, and from our experience, such pages are rarely updated.

All three products have broad location coverage, especially the datacenter proxy network. However, these proxies are also sourced through Evomi’s bandwidth sharing app, so their availability is hard to predict. As a result, the datacenter IPs are best suited for web scraping and similar tasks.

The location filtering options depend on the product. In any case, they’re more or less in line with industry standards. Maybe only city-level targeting is missing from the mobile network. 


Unconventional pool filters for residential proxies.

Every request,
up to 120 mins,
long sessions
Plan basedUnlimited threads & ports(Residential only) Ad blocking, pool modes

Evomi’s proxies rotate by default. The interval can be every connection request, which is convenient for web scraping. Or, you can create a session with an option to specify its lifetime between one and 120 minutes. The provider also offers an option to establish a hard session, which holds onto the same IP for as long as it remains online.

The number of ports and threads isn’t limited, so you can scrape to your heart’s content.

Evomi’s residential proxies offer several additional options. For one, you can choose to block ads, which should save traffic. There are also pool modes to optimize the proxies for speed or quality.

evomi residential pool modes
The residential proxy pool modes.

Such features aren’t encountered often, though lately more providers have been adding additional ways to interact with their proxy networks.

Integration & Use

Limited SOCKS5, only username:password authentication.

Connection methodFormatProtocols
Gateway addressUSERNAME:PASSWORD_country-US_session-4M0DAL90G_lifetime-36

All three proxy networks give you a backconnect gateway address that connects you to the proxy pool. The address itself doesn’t change, while filters and sticky sessions are added to the password. The port number generally remains the same as well – the only time you have to modify it is when you choose a different connection protocol.

Speaking of protocols, Evomi supports all three: HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5. The latter accepts only TCP traffic at this time.

If your software doesn’t have username and password authentication, you’ll be out of luck: IP whitelisting isn’t available. There are ways around this – but they require jumping through extra hoops, which we’d prefer to avoid.

Pricing Plans

Pay-as-you-go available.

ModelPAYG, subscription
FormatPay per traffic
Starting price$0.7 for 1 GB$4 for 1 GB$4 for 1 GB

Evomi charges for traffic use. You can buy some using a one-off payment or subscribe for better rates. The difference is small at first but increases significantly with scale.

Following the recent trend, the residential and mobile proxies cost the same. Evomi’s datacenter product, on the other hand, is up to ten times cheaper per gigabyte.

Compared to others, Evomi’s residential proxies cost below most mid-market alternatives like Smartproxy and SOAX. The mobile plans are especially affordable throughout the pricing range.

If, for some reason, you find the proxies insufficient for your needs, Evomi has a money-back guarantee. It applies if you’ve used less than 1 GB or 10% of your plan’s allowance.

Performance Benchmarks

Information is being prepared...

How to Use Evomi

This section covers Evomi’s dashboard, proxy setup procedure, and customer service.


To register, you’ll need to enter your full name, email address, and password. Alternatively, there’s an option to sign up with a Google login.

While Evomi doesn’t ask for KYC information during registration, you may still have to complete the KYC procedure later on. This depends on whether Evomi notices suspicious behavior. The verifier is Stripe – it will ask for a photo ID and selfie.


Evomi has a dashboard for managing subscription, interacting with its products, tracking usage and getting help. The dashboard is clean, well-designed, and available in four languages: English, Russian, Chinese, and German.

We have few gripes about it. Well, maybe the main page could be more useful – now, it only serves to sell products, whether you have them already or not.

Subscription Management

Evomi’s dashboard lets you add payment information (card or PayPal), manage subscription, and download automatically generated invoices from Stripe. Subscriptions renew automatically, and it’s possible to buy extra traffic at the plan’s rate.

There seems to be no wallet functionality at the time, which unfortunately means that each action will require making a new transaction.

Proxy Management

Evomi’s dashboard includes a proxy generator widget. It lets you choose various configurations (protocol, filtering and, rotation parameters, a pool mode), and then spits out a list of entry points in several formats. The widget is simple to work with.

Having said that, you can’t really change a username by yourself or even pick a custom password – the system generates it upon request. Regular customers also don’t get access to sub-users, which complicates work with proxies in a team setting.

evomi dashboard proxy setup
The proxy generator widget.

Usage Tracking

Evomi’s usage statistics are separated by product. You get two graphs – one for traffic, the second for requests made – which can be filtered for today, last 3, 7, 14, or 30 days. There’s also a table for statistics by domain, though it only shows aggregated requests made in the last 12 hours.

All in all, Evomi’s usage information is basic but competent. It may not always be fast to load, but that’s because the data is fetched live.

For more general information, the provider has a network status page that shows uptime statistics and outages for the last 180 days.

API Access

Evomi has a management API, but it’s only available to resellers that buy at least 5 TB of data.


Evomi has a documentation hub with information about each product and an FAQ to answer the main questions surrounding the service. Both are decently fleshed out.

However, we couldn’t find any kind of integration instructions with web scraping libraries or external software, which would be very welcome to have.

Hands-On Support

Evomi’s customer support works 24/7, with the main channel being live chat. Run by Intercom, the chat also has ticketing functionality, though it’s not obvious at first sight.

Large customers get more options: a dedicated account manager available through phone and assistance via Slack.

We tested the live chat during daytime in Europe. The agent responded within a few minutes and gave competent responses to the questions we had. While limited, this interaction left us satisfied with the service.


That was our first look at Evomi. Overall, the provider’s competitive features, clean user experience, and polished brand image have left us with a good impression, especially compared to the many short-lived resellers out there.

In the following months, we’ll be taking Evomi’s proxies for a serious test ride to see whether its product can compare to the other aspects of the business. After all, the company aims to compete in the mid-market segment, which is as fierce as it’s ever been.

Evomi Alternatives

Rating 9.2 / 10

Oxylabs is like a premium version of Smartproxy. It controls a significantly larger IP pool, and you can get specialized APIs that simplify web scraping.

Bright Data
Rating 9.1 / 10

Bright Data is another strong option with more features and powerful proxy management tools. It also sells proxy-based web scraping APIs and even complete data sets.

Rating 8.4 / 10

The options above are expensive. Let’s go the other way. PacketStream offers some of the cheapest residential proxies on the market with rotation every request and sticky sessions.

Want more? View the full list of the Smartproxy alternatives.

Recommended for:

A brief recommendation.

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Rating 9.2 / 10
Picture of Adam Dubois
Adam Dubois
Proxy geek and developer.