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Zyte to Hold a Virtual Web Scraping Conference

Web Data Extraction Summit, a one-day event for data extraction professionals, will take place on September 30.

Adam Dubois
Zyte Web Data Extraction Summit 2021
The data extraction experts at Zyte are organizing Web Data Extraction Summit – an annual event bringing together web scraping professionals and data lovers. Held on a new virtual event platform, Extract Summit promises a day “jam-packed with talks and workshops” that will include everything from web scraping tools and techniques to the legal aspects of data collection. This year, the provisional line-up includes 20 speakers from Zyte and other data driven companies. They will cover topics like data quality, headless browsers, alternative data in finance, legal matters, and more. Attendees will also be able to take part in a range of panels and workshops where they’ll have the chance to talk with data collection professionals and do some hands-on coding. This will be Web Data Extraction Summit’s third year in the running. Last year’s event had over 3,000 people sign up, making it one of the largest conferences on web data extraction. You can register now free of charge on https://www.extractsummit.io/.

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