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Smartproxy Launches Search Engine Proxies

This SERP API in disguise allows scraping Google with a 100% success rate.

Adam Dubois
smartproxy search engine proxies landing page
Proxy provider Smartproxy has officially launched a tool for scraping search engines. Called Search Engine Proxies, it promises to return data from Google without fail. The company advertises Search Engine Proxies as a scalable, flexible, and easy to use method for scraping search engine data. It offloads most of the “dirty work”, such as CAPTCHAs and proxy management, off the user and onto Smartproxy. Though the name suggests multiple search engines, the product currently supports only Google. It can fetch all kinds of data from the search giant: organic and paid results, popular products and listings, images, videos, related questions, featured snippets, local, shopping, restaurant, hotel, travel, and other information. Search Engine Proxies allow targeting different geolocations, languages, and devices via request headers. The data can be retrieved in raw .HTML or parsed .JSON formats. The tool integrates using the regular proxy format with additional parameters (hence the name proxies) or by sending a URL request directly to Smartproxy’s server. In any case, it requires keeping an open connection for data retrieval. Search Engine Proxies charges by successful requests. The cheapest Lite plan grants 35,000 requests for $100/month ($2.86/1,000 requests). Search Engine Proxies marks Smartproxy’s first attempt to offer a product built upon its proxy infrastructure, and a foray into the territory traditionally occupied by SERP APIs. You can start using it today, by contacting the company’s sales team.

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