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Introducing: New Team Member, Isabel

Proxyway welcomes a new addition to the team to expand content about sneakers.

Adam Dubois
Proxyway team Adam, Chris and Isabel

For several years now, Chris and I have been keeping a close eye on the proxy industry. During this time, we’ve tested dozens of providers and wrote numerous articles explaining what proxies are. Heck, we’ve even helped a few of you to start your proxy and sneaker reselling businesses! 

It’s safe to say that Proxyway is not what it used to be. Our blog has grown from a simple passion project to a reputable source for both professionals and proxy newbies. We are delighted to see how far we’ve come and continue to grow. So, to keep up with our expanding audience, we decided to invite a new addition to our team. 

Please give a warm welcome to our newest tester, reviewer, and a streetwear addict, Isabel! She will be using her expertise to expand our content about sneakers. 

Isabel has been working in the field of digital marketing for many years. Despite having to market various tech products, she had never come across proxies before. At least, not until she decided to cop some sneakers. After experiencing the frustration of taking an L, Isabel realized that there’s a lot she needs to learn. Her determination, coupled with hundreds of hours spent on Reddit and Discord, has helped her figure out all the crucial pieces of the sneaker copping game. Including Proxies. Today she’s pretty knowledgeable on the matter and full-on ready to share her experience with Proxyway’s readers. 

So stay tuned for new tutorials, tips & tricks, reviews, and a brand new take on the sneaker industry. 

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Adam sitting in a chair reading a newspaper