How to Manage Multiple Discord Accounts in 2025
If you ever tried to manage hundreds of Discord accounts, you know the hassle of switching between different profiles. Not to mention the struggles of accessing the profiles via different IPs to avoid getting flagged for suspicious activity or simply being able to access the platform from the target location. Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Discord is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. While primarily used among gamers, it’s quickly becoming a communication tool for businesses and building communities with certain shared interests such as sneaker copping and web scraping.
But with the growing popularity of Discord, the platform now has less leeway for connecting multiple profiles at the same time. So, what if you’re a social media manager who needs to manage Discord accounts for multiple clients? Well, it’s not exactly possible while using one IP address. Additionally, if the platform finds any of your actions unfit, you might get your IP banned, or even worse – all your client accounts blocked.
In this guide, we’ll introduce tools that will help to mask your digital identity – IP address and other information that allows websites to identify you – without compromising your clients’ accounts.
Can You Have Multiple Discord Accounts?
Yes, you can have more than one Discord account, it’s not against the rules. According to the official guidelines, you can have and manage up to five different accounts – all you need is a different email address or a phone number for each one.
Discord also rolled out an Account Switcher feature to help you switch between all your accounts seamlessly. You can access Account Switcher by clicking on your avatar icon, and selecting Switch Accounts. However, this feature only works on the Discord desktop app.
If you need to manage more than five Discord accounts on the same device, you will need some extra tools. We’ll get into it later.
What about Multiple Discord Accounts on Mobile?
You can switch accounts on mobile as well. Unfortunately, the process is more difficult as the Account Switcher is not available on the mobile Discord app. There are two ways you can go about managing multiple Discord accounts on mobile. First, you can manually log out and enter the credentials to access another account. Another option is to use an antidetect browser on your phone. It’s a tool specifically designed for managing multiple accounts. Bear in mind that very few providers offer antidetect browsers on mobile devices. If they do, you’ll need to have an Android.
Why People Create Multiple Discord Accounts
There might be several reasons for managing multiple Discord accounts. Here are the main motives why people choose to have more than one Discord account:
Separate personal and professional use. Some need Discord as a communication channel at work, while also using the app for gaming, chatting, or other non-work-related reasons. In this case, multiple Discord accounts help to separate work and personal lives.
Manage multiple communities. Maybe you have dozens of accounts because you manage Discord communities for a living or as a hobby. Keeping separate accounts with different digital fingerprints will prevent Discord from banning your IP for misuse, and making all accounts inaccessible. You’ll also be able to share the specific account with stakeholders without compromising other accounts under your control.
Privacy concerns. You might have a personal account for connecting with friends but also want to participate in discussions on certain servers without revealing yourself. Having a separate Discord account can help camouflage your real identity or create multiple online personas, as they’re not linked across servers.
Testing and development. Developers or server administrators might want to use multiple accounts to create and test bots, roles, or other server features without impacting their main Discord account.
How to Manage Multiple Discord Accounts
If you have more than five Discord accounts that you need to manage, the Account Switcher feature will not be of much use because it will simply not work as intended. Luckily, there are a couple of options that will help you out.
Firstly, it’s crucial to understand that your online activity is tracked to identify you. Websites check your IP address, saved cookies, and digital fingerprint (such as what browser, operating system, language settings you’re using, etc.) to ensure that you’re not a machine trying to do something malicious.
What’s more, if you need to manage hundreds of accounts at the same time, you won’t be able to do so from a single device and IP address. So, an antidetect browser and proxies are your best bet – you’ll be able to assign a different IP address to each browser account and access all Discord accounts in one environment.
Use an Antidetect Browser
You can manage dozens of Discord accounts without revealing that it’s you behind all of them with an antidetect browser. It lets you create completely different profiles with unique fingerprints, and browse the web as usual from a single device.
While Chrome and other browsers also allow managing multiple profiles, an antidetect browser prevents profile crossover. You can create completely unique environments with separately saved cookies, different. perceived browsers and their versions, time zones, locales, and other detectable aspects. Hence, each profile is isolated because the fingerprints (your identifiers) are unlinkable to each other.
With several unique profiles, you can manage more than five Discord accounts, and even have them open on multiple browser windows simultaneously – that’s how social media account managers work with multiple client profiles without getting banned. Also, it’s much easier to set up and manage an antidetect browser than to have multiple devices or virtual operating systems.
Learn more: The Best Antidetect Browsers
Use Proxy Services
You should also use proxies to hide your perceived IP address and location. In a very simplified way, think of browser fingerprints as your defining characteristics – the color of your hair, eyes, or what clothes you wear. An antidetect browser will mask these attributes. However, if all these different people are named John and they all live on Baker Street 221B, it looks suspicious. Proxies will help you get a new name and place to live. Namely, your IP address and geolocation.
Some providers offer proxies optimized for social media management; they work well with Discord, too. Usually, Discord proxies are residential or mobile since they come from real devices with legitimate browsing histories. Hence, they are unlikely to get banned.
Combining proxy services with an antidetect browser will help you achieve the best results in spoofing your online identity.
Other Methods
Surely, you can get more devices or get someone to help you out with their own device, but it’ll cost a lot. Instead, here’s what you can do:
Use Discord’s desktop and mobile apps: Each device gives you the ability to access and manage five accounts. By using both mobile and desktop applications, you can manage up to 10 accounts at once.
Get Discord Canary or PTB: Canary (Alpha version) and PBT (Public Test Build or Beta) can be installed along the main Discord app. This way, you’ll be able to manage up to 15 accounts – five in each version.
Try app cloning apps: Both Android and iOS support app cloning, so you can try cloning your Discord app. Unfortunately, this method might have some security risks.

Managing Multiple Accounts on Mobile Devices
Managing your Discord accounts on a mobile device is a bit more tricky, but possible. There’s no function to quickly switch between accounts on the mobile app, but there are ways to make it easier – for example, using an antidetect browser with mobile support.
Providers like GoLogin or Kameleo offer applications for Android devices. This way, you’ll be able to create multiple profiles on your mobile device and manage those Discord accounts.
Best Practices for Managing Multiple Discord Accounts
Apart from following the terms of service and specific server rules, you should know a few other recommendations that will help you manage all your accounts.
Try to keep one IP per account for as long as possible. Keeping your IP as consistent as possible will ensure that your time on Discord runs smoothly. With the help of proxies and antidetect browsers, create and use separate profiles with unique IPs and fingerprints for each Discord account. Changing your IP too often for one account might lead to account suspension as it pings Discord about suspicious activity.
Don’t use your accounts for black hat use cases. It goes without saying, but creating multiple Discord accounts for scamming, hacking, abuse, and other illegal activities is against Discord’s terms of service. Not only can you get banned from your favorite servers or receive account bans, but there might be legal implications as well.
Expect failed attempts. There’s no perfect way to manage multiple accounts, even with the help of an antidetect browser or proxies – your requests to run Discord might fail sometimes. Our suggestion: wait or change your IP address (you’ll find an option in your proxy service or antidetect browser’s dashboard), and try again.
The Bottom Line
While no option is perfect for managing more than five Discord accounts, antidetect browsers and proxies are your best bet. Both are relatively simple to set up and use, and require fewer resources compared to alternatives, like buying multiple devices.

Frequently Asked Questions About Multiple Discord Account Management
If you have 5 or fewer Discord accounts, you can easily switch between them with the Account Switcher feature on the desktop app. If you have more than five accounts, you can use antidetect browsers or proxies to manage multiple accounts.