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Proxy Market Research 2021

Proxy IP networks are used everywhere, from e-commerce to SEO and even sneaker shopping. Yet, very few resources exist about them. Companies looking for a residential proxy server need to rely on marketing materials, sketchy affiliate websites, or conduct costly and time-consuming tests in-house.

For the third year in a row, we are releasing Proxyway Market Research – the only comprehensive evaluation of the leading residential proxy providers. Based on 3 months of testing and over 2 million requests to each proxy network, it uncovers the market trends, gives a detailed technical comparison of eight major residential IP providers, and applies the findings to six major verticals. We aim both to educate and provide a reliable resource for selecting a proxy service.

For a shorter version, you can read the key findings here.

2021 market research book cover

Why read this report

  • You’ll learn about the state of the residential proxy IP market and where it’s heading.

  • You’ll save time and resources testing the providers in-house – with over 2 million requests to each proxy network, we evaluate every aspect that matters, including such rare metrics like proxy server stability.

  • You’ll learn about six main verticals that rely on residential IPs every day: e-commerce, SEO, travel fare agregation, ad verification, social media management, and sneakers. This includes performance data for major targets in those verticals.

  • You’ll find both hard numbers and a convenient evaluation scheme for easy comparison.

Last update: April 26, 2021 (minor fixes, provider info adjustment based on feedback).

Picture of Adam Dubois
Adam Dubois
Proxy geek and developer.

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