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Blazing SEO Raises Funds to Support Its Stranded Ukrainian Team

The money will be put toward the living and relocation expenses of 19 employees.

Adam Dubois
Photo of Blazingseo Ukraine team
Blazing SEO’s CEO Neil Emeigh is raising money to help its Ukrainian team members. Despite being a US-based provider, the company has a sizable team in Ukraine. After the war started, 19 of its employees found themselves – and their families – in great danger and uncertainty. To quote Neil:

Make no mistake: the stakes here are absolutely life and death for our friends, their wives, and their children.

In an effort to help them, Blazing SEO has opened a GoFundMe initative. It strives to raise $38,000, all of which will be used to cover the relocation and living expenses of the employees’ families.

Thus far, nearly $8,000 have been collected. We’ve made a small contribution of our own, and if you have any money to spare, we urge you to do the same. We have only kind words to say about Neil and the team, and we’d really hope to see them safe and sound from the terrors of war.

Finally, here’s a video Neil posted concerning the situation:

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