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A honeypot is a tool designed to detect bot- and hacker-like activities. It’s like a fake system that resembles a real network or service, but it’s intentionally left vulnerable to attract unauthorized access. 

Honeypot traps are set up separately from real systems, so web owners can keep an eye on how attackers act on weaknesses and what kind of data they’re after. There are two main honeypot trap types: low-interaction and high-interaction. The first one gathers information on automated attacks, while the latter closely resembles actual systems. This setup provides more insights but can also be riskier.

When it comes to web scraping, honeypots use fake data to detect and block web scrapers. The traps are hidden in areas of a web page that aren’t visible to humans but can be detected by bots. For example, a website can serve different product details, such as price or images, to scrapers.